Recent Bootstrap and Metro UI package updates

Twitter.Bootstrap.Less v3.0.2

Updated to the latest source and published on 11/13/2013. Full changelog on the Bootstrap blog here If you have any issues with the package, please let me know

Metro-UI-CSS v2.0.1

One of my favorite new(ish) front-end toolkits with a Modern/Metro twist. They skipped v1 and went directly to v2! The new v2.0.1 package also comes with a few structural changes, shown in the screenshot below. Projects using the previous version should not upgrade without being ready to do some work, as with any major release. For full project docs and details, visit the site here The Project owner also offers a NuGet package, though I would consider it more for testing due to its structure and contents. My package is a bit more convention-based and only includes the necessary files. If you want the Less files, opt for the Metro.UI.CSS package, or send me a pull request similar to the Boostrap.Less package above.

BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/metro-ui").Include("~/Scripts/metro-ui/jquery.ui.widget.js").Include("~/Scripts/metro-ui/metro-*"));

BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/metro-ui/css").Include("~/Content/metro-ui/css/metro-bootstrap.css", "~/Content/metro-ui/css/metro-bootstrap-responsive.css"));